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How To Vote

Our Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "FOR" Air Products' nine Director Nominees and proposals.

Ways to vote

Vote by Telephone

If you are a registered holder, locate the control number included on your WHITE proxy card and dial the number indicated.

Vote by Internet

Locate the control number included on your WHITE proxy card or WHITE voting instruction form in order to access the website indicated.

Vote by Mail

Complete, sign, date and mail your WHITE proxy card or WHITE voting instruction form in the self-addressed envelope provided.

Vote by QR Code

Scan the QR code displayed on your WHITE voting instruction form to directly access the voting page without entering your control number.

If you received proxy materials via e-mail, the e-mail message transmitting the link to those materials contains instructions on how to vote your shares of Company stock and your control number.

If you have any questions or need any assistance in voting your shares, please contact our proxy solicitor.

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+1 (877) 750-0537 (toll-free from the U.S. and Canada)

+1 (412) 232-3651 (from other countries)

Banks and Brokers 
+1 (212) 750-5833